From Drug Target Inhibition to Degradation: a TACtical Strategy - Nature Biopharma Dealmakers

Over the past five years, targeted protein degradation has been a hotbed of public and private sector investment. With seven initial public offerings (IPOs), an aggregate of ~$2.6B in venture financing and average disclosed total deal values of ~$1B, the field is poised to disrupt drug development.

The modality is highly attractive given the potential to overcome resistance to existing small-molecule inhibitors and the alluring promise to target proteins that have historically been considered "undruggable."

Our strategic team aggregates public deals, partnerships and private transactions as they relate to the TPD field from January 2016 to February 2022.

Back Bay lead author, Mavra Nasir, with Peter Bak, Chris Leo, Stephan Gauldie contributed to this piece, now live on Nature Biopharma Dealmakers.