Back Bay in Pharmaceutical Executive: The State of Cross-Border Funding in the Life Sciences

A new article by Back Bay Senior Associate and life science transaction advisory expert, James Leech, brings insight to cross-border funding in the life sciences.

In the current issue of Pharmaceutical Executive, The State of Cross-Border Funding in the Life Sciences describes record capital flow across global markets that have opened new channels of investment in early-stage and novel science. While the U.S. remains fertile ground for investable life science opportunities and continues to be a target capital source for emerging companies, Mr. Leech writes: 

. . . there has been a considerable increase in cross-border funding activity as globalization continues at a macro level and regional interest in novel drug and device development to address both economic and social needs, and broad recognition of the scientific breakthroughs occurring all over the world increases.

The article covers the private financing market in the life science sector and new investor-type entrants, including public crossover investors, non-U.S. venture funds, sovereign wealth funds, family offices, and China-based VCs.Read and share the article at