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The Commercial Potential of Optogenetic Therapies
Fifteen years ago, scientists discovered optogenetics, a technique of using light to stimulate light-sensitive receptors in order to turn brain cells “on” and “off" at the flip of a switch. Advances in optogenetics have allowed this technology to move from the laboratory to humans, and more recently biopharma companies have been quick to incorporate optogenetic therapies into their ophthalmology portfolios.
In this episode of Back Bay’s Life Science Report, Peter Bak is joined by Kevin Norman to discuss the promise and commercial considerations of optogenetics.
Topics include:
The basic principles of optogenetics and the diseases it may be a treatment for
How Big Pharma, biotech and VC view the promise of optogenetics for the future
Current issues, technical challenges and functional end points for active therapy trials like those with Nanoscope Therapeutics, GenSight Biologics, Allergan, etc.
The state of play for how optogenetics may be useful as a technology beyond the realm of ophthalmology, including cancer
Read Back Bay Life Science Advisors' latest industry article on optogenetics in Cell & Gene here.
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